Better Burgers versus Faster Food a Quality Marketing Example

Today I read an interesting article that was hardly news to me, but only because I didn’t know that this was how I felt. It was one of those subtle marketing shifts that took a decade to happen and yet after it was over you always knew it was right. Remember long ago when Burger King and McDonald’s ruled the landscape of burgers. I mean if you wanted burgers and fries this place was as good as any. But lately there has been a shift on how people eat and think.
Americans belly up for better burgers
So what happened? Well very subtlety McDonald’s got beat by their own marketing game, not by fighting on the same playing field of indoctrination of a younger generation of Happy Meal eaters but a shift competing against something that fast food burger joints could not…super awesome quality!
So fast food is well, fast, and not very good. It is loaded with fat and salt some there is some taste there but it doesn’t even come close to the backyard BBQ taste of your own burgers. Enter the new burger chain, one that replicated that backyard taste and even added some great new fusion ideas. Things like macaroni and cheese, corned beef, stuffed with egg, and more…these burgers have taken on a gourmet flavor.
And consumers are eating it up. So much so that burger sales at fast food joints are down while gourmet burger shops are setting record sales. Top that with awesome fries and other sides and you got a winning combination. New burger joints like Five Guys, Smash Burger, and older joints like In-N-Out make a great burger that waters the mouth.
They places give you a restaurant feel with no wait staff to tip, made to order food, and only a few menu items that helps them focus on quality.
So what has changed in the landscape of food and burgers in general?
I think as money gets tighter within family budgets many people want to spend it wisely. Why spend $6.00 on a combo meal when for three dollars more you can get a gourmet burger your are going to indulge. Also these restaurants are a lot less than going to a regular restaurant and you get just as good as food, sometimes a lot better.
So what does this have to do with online business you ask? Well there are two things that I believe are the best things you can focus in on any business model. The first is to focus on quality over price as we have seen by our example above. A good quality product over time will build a loyal following and increased profits. Second focus on service, each of the burger joints above have such great service that you want to come back because you feel special there.
Sometimes it takes time to build your brand especially if you are not competing on price. A good quality product sometimes takes time to spread but once it does, watch out, it really goes viral. But if you want a Quality Marketing Example to learn how to run a good online business marketing campaign then you may want to take an example of the stuff between the buns.
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